意大利 Corman 公司新总部,重塑优雅环保形象




 / 诗连达代理品牌 Atlas Concorde 国际案例 / 


LOCATION:意大利· 拉基亚雷拉

APPLICATION:室外地面 / 立面 / 大堂 / 办公区 

PRODUCT:石纹 BRAVE 系列 / 木纹 ETIC PRO 系列 / 大理石纹理 Marvel Pro 系列



Corman SpA 是一家意大利家族经营的公司,主要生产和销售100% 棉质、低过敏性的女性护理产品。

自 1947 年创立以来,Corman 在多变的国际经济环境里,始终坚持创新和可持续发展的战略,

如今依然保持稳健发展,产品已进入全球 25 个国家的市场。


Finding new roads, following different paths and developing innovative and sustainable ideas: it is with

this spirit that Corman has opened the doors of its new headquarters in Lacchiarella. With this choice,

the company has started a new chapter in its history in a greener and more responsible setting.

All the company's activities – logistics, production, and offices – have thus been brought together into

a single site that looks to the future with a greener and more sustainable perspective



本着对环境更加负责的态度,Corman 把新总部设在意大利拉基亚雷拉市。公司的所有活动,



To satisfy the eco-sustainable orientation of the new production site, eco-compatible construction materials with low

environmental impact were used without sacrificing the practicality demanded by the project.



Corman 希望在不牺牲工程实用性的前提下,选用对环境影响小的生态兼容建筑材料。

有 30 多年专业经验的 Mpartner 建筑事务所为部分室内外空间选择了 Atlas Concorde 产品,

建筑师希望通过 Atlas Concorde 产品的特性,增加整个项目的环境和实用价值。


In accordance with the requested standards, Atlas Concorde products were selected for certain indoor and outdoor

areas of the structure, thus increasing the environmental and practical value of the entire project.



建筑的外观大面积采用 Atlas Concorde 石头纹理 BRAVE 系列,多层次的灰色调为品牌确立专业、优雅的气质。




Available in various sizes and in an evocative gray shade, the stone-effect porcelain tiles laid outside and used to cover the

ventilated facade has recreated suggestive and elegant color compositions. A selection of looks inspired by natural wood with

sinuous veins and soft knots welcomes us inside the building, where a warm, seductive tone adorns the floors of the foyer and

executive offices with a refined style. The vigorous, natural allure of the concrete effect rises to the status of advanced design

thanks to the use of special pieces, making it possible to combine an extraordinary rich design with

the technical characteristics of the best ceramic tiles.




大堂和办公区采用清新明亮的 Atlas Concorde 木纹 ETIC PRO 系列产品。





大面积的健康木纹产品体现 Corman 公司对环境及员工身心健康的关怀。







Atlas Concorde 大理石纹理 Marvel Pro 系列的应用是本案的点睛之笔。




To complete the design, the porcelain interpretation of a selection of fine, trendy marbles was used to cover some of

the walls of the innovative Corman headquarters with intense expressiveness.



Marvel Pro 从地面延伸到墙壁,营造出一种沉浸感。稳重和专业的气质传达给进来的人,并与之建立强烈的情感联系。




Atlas Concorde 不负众望,为这家跨国企业的新总部增色不少。从第一印象的雅致外观,到室内柔和的氛围,

到表达企业的专业形象,Atlas Concorde 用现代优雅的美学,成功演绎了 Corman 公司的创新和环保理念。






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